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77% of people experience stress that impacts their health in a significant way.

Our bodies are continuously striving for a sense of balance, which can be challenging to come by in a fast-paced, ever-changing world and our collective statistics show it.

When we are always "on" in this way, our body starts to let us know "hey, something's gotta change!"‏‏‎ ‎through symptoms like tiredness/fatigue, difficulty sleeping or waking up, intense salt and sugar cravings, needing stimulants to get through the day, bloating, low libido and difficulty concentrating.

High cortisol levels are often at the root of these various health-related symptoms, but it's important to remember that these physical expressions are simply our body’s responses to the environment and how we're living in it. Symptoms are a call for our attention and it's up to us to heed their message!

That's where our newest offering comes in:

✨The Adrenal Tonic✨

The Adrenal Tonic is a potent 8oz elixir that targets stress and offers needed nutrients to replenish our adrenal glands. These glands produce hormones that help to regulate our metabolism, blood pressure, immune system, and response to stress

When we experience stress for an extended period of time, our adrenal glands may react by over‎ producing cortisol and adrenaline, the hormones responsible for our fight/flight response. These heightened states are meant to be short-lived, but given the challenges of modern day life post-pandemic, many of us could use an extra boost of deep nourishment to help our bodies move from surviving to thriving.

Here at Vive we're not about quick fixes or false promises, but we are about exploring nourishing possibilities for helping us live a good life. Adrenal support beverages have been revered in holistic communities for years and after diving into the research ourselves and exploring recipes others have shared online, we've created our own to bring health and vitality in a simple daily ritual.

We'd love for you to join us in testing it!

Our 8oz Daily Tonic is made from

🍊 Oranges

to naturally boost energy levels, strengthen our immune system and lift your mood

🧂 Real Salt

for energy production, blood pressure maintenance, and cell regeneration

🍎 Raw ACV

for an enzymatic and probiotic boost to support you in properly absorbing nutrients

🥥 Coconut Water

for balancing electrolytes, nourishing muscular tissue impacted by stress and cellular hydration

🌿 Aloe Vera

for soothing the digestive system, mood improvements and supporting the growth of probiotics

🍯 Honey

for immune system strengthening and cortisol production regulation

The Adrenal Tonic isn’t just a (not-so-secret) product, it’s an experience!

If this tonic sounds like it's made for you, we'd love for you to join our ✨Community Adrenal Tonic Focus Group✨

Inside this experience, you + the Vive team will drink an Adrenal Tonic every day for three weeks with the intention of transforming stress and giving loving attention to our health (mind, body, spirit) along the way.

In addition to receiving a daily adrenal tonic, you’ll be a part of a private group message board where we’ll be sharing simple ways to tend to your nervous system, tune up your health and tap into that sense of deep nourishment that is available to us all. Sometimes, being in community with others under a shared intention can make all the difference.

More details below!

By joining our Focus Group, you will receive...

An opportunity to test a new product with us

Based on the group's experiences and shared testimonials, we will explore together if this offering is something to bring to our community. You will receive a delivery every Monday morning to fuel your week with our Adrenal Tonics, receiving a total of 21 bottles over the course of three deliveries. Pick-up options are available as well.

A weekly email to educate + empower

Throughout our journey together we will check in with your experience and share resources to support you in releasing and transforming stress beyond just the Adrenal Tonic (think easy body systems education, simple practices and tips we've learned along our own health journey).

Access to an (optional) private Telegram Group

Our founder Brittany will be facilitating a group space for connection throughout the experience and we invite you to share what you're noticing, to ask questions or simply observe. There's much we can discover from one another simply by gathering under shared intentions!

In return...

We ask for you to commit to drinking an Adrenal Tonic every day for the full three weeks and fill out two surveys: one prior to the journey and another after it is complete. Participation via Telegram and email is completely optional. You will receive a welcome email with all the details + a link to fill out the survey after purchase!

Are you ready to join us?

This journey begins November 28 and runs through December 18.

$110 will give you 21 bottles of our adrenal tonic across three weeks, weekly email support and access to our private Telegram Group.

While registration has closed and the journey has begun, it's not too late to come along! Simply send us a text or give us a ring at 801.875.8923 to create a custom experience.

What Stage of Adrenal Fatigue Am I In?

Understanding Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal Fatigue is a root level issue meaning that when you nourish your adrenals, it has a beneficial effect on the rest of your body systems too. We're taking things one layer deeper into the mechanics, supported by research and science-based facts.

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Brittany's Burnout Story

An intimate personal view into Brittany's life experience.

Moving through adrenal fatigue, burnout, deep healing and the process of transforming stress with intentional nourishment. Start here if you want to learn some inner-workings of Vive's story.

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Adrenal Tonic Story Q+A

Why did you create the Adrenal Tonic and who is it for?

To be honest, I created the Adrenal Tonic because it is something that I wish I would have had sooner in my own health journey. Would it have prevented me from experiencing burnout, adrenal fatigue or PTSD all on its own? Of course not. Could it have made the healing process a bit more easeful? I believe so!

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The Fine Print

Vive Juicery and its team members are not licensed medical care professionals and are not offering any type of formal psychological, medical or other professional advice or treatment. This and all other offerings listed on this website are not proven or guaranteed to treat or cure any conditions. Vive Juicery is not liable for reactions, outcomes, etc. related to our products and services.

As always, consult your internal guidance system and/or a healthcare professional as needed. This focus group is for educational, experiential and informational purposes only and does not replace the care of a medical professional.

By continuing with the purchase of this product + participating in our focus group, you acknowledge and agree that you are fully responsible for your own wellbeing.