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A Deeper Look: Cold-Pressed Juicing 🌿

By Bailey Ward  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

A Deeper Look: Cold-Pressed Juicing 🌿
We've talked about the different types of juicing methods before, but today we're focussing the highlights of our tried and true juicing method - Cold Pressed! 

The cold-press process of juicing is the purest method of extracting juice from fruits and vegetables! There are two stages of cold-press juicing: (1) slowly grinding chopped fruits and vegetables into a pulp and (2) taking the mesh bag filled with the produce pulp and placing it under 1800 psi of pressure. This method slowly squeezes every last bit of the produce - up to 3x more than other juicing methods! 

Without introducing heat or oxygen, we are able to keep the maximum number of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytonutrients than any other juicing method can. In fact, the pressure of a cold-pressed juice actually leaves the produce pulp feeling slightly dry and pressed finely into crumbly bits of carrots, beets, spinach, and whatever other veggies were on the menu that day! 

Most tabletop juicers are centrifugal machines due to their accessibility and ability to produce juice the fastest. Centrifugal juicers use blades and high speed to extract juice products promptly. While you will receive your juice almost instantly, it will however already be lacking in nutrients. This is because centrifugal juicing is unable to extract the same amount of nutrients that cold-press can offer in the much slower juicing practice. 

Additionally, juice from a centrifugal juicer is exposed to oxygen from the start of the process. Think about what happens when you leave half an avocado open-faced, it browns and softens. This is oxidation and happens similarly to your juice - the oxygen makes the nutrients deteriorate at a faster rate. For this juicing method, it is best to drink the product within 20-30 minutes. 

Cold-Pressed Juice will last on the shelf with minimal nutrient loss for 4-7 days.

Because enzymes don't live longer than seven days anyway, this shelf life is ample time to drink your juice and reward your body with those benefits! We've talked about how enzymes don't exist in a juice that has been pasteurized last week! ICYMI: pasteurization is a method to sterilize bacteria (unfortunately including the good nutrients and enzymes). Some juice companies opt for pasteurization to prolong shelf life, but without enzymes, you're missing the benefits of drinking raw juice!

Cold-Pressed Juicing produces the highest nutrients possible in juicing - in turn, this also means the best tasting.

This gives you that "freshly squeezed" flavor without all the hassle. To all our top-of-the-morning juicing friends, you know the mess it creates! 😂  Let us do it for you!

One more difference in our juice? We make our juice in small, complete batches. Calculating, chopping, and blending the ingredients together from the very start for a cohesive, benefit-forward juice! Why is this special? Well, some companies cold-press ingredients in exclusive batches to the ingredient, then blend together the ingredient batches to "build" their juice. We've opted for the extra step of pressing small batches of each full recipe to create denser, brighter, more potent products. A difference we're sure you can taste. ✨

For juice that tastes better, lasts longer, and leaves no mess in your kitchen - choose cold-pressed, choose Vive
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